Mordell curve in Geogebra by Edgar Delgado Vega
Hi, I'm Edgar


Software Developer and Math Enthusiast

Software developer passionate about problem-solving through mathematical abstractions, discrete algorithms, and design patterns.

In 2023, I launched ts-tonnetz, an advanced package for algorithmic composition, currently integrated into Topos (try it here!). I also authored a Scopus-indexed article and developed the libraries fignumbers and figurate_numbers, the latter having over 3000 downloads.

In addition to teaching at the postgraduate level, I collaborate on international open source software projects.


ZifferJS | TypeScript Software Developer

oct.2023 - present | Finland | Remote
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I collaborate on the development of ZifferJS, a generative music notation and parser. It is designed to fit into any live coding environment that supports web technologies. • Implementing mathematical algorithms based on simplicial complexes and graph theory • Creating unit tests and writing documentation • Creating generator functions to work with infinite sequences 💻 TypeScript, Vitest, Git

Escuela de Posgrado Newman | Lecturer in the Master's programs in Musicology and Music Pedagogy

may.2024 - present | Tacna, Perú | Remote
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Courses I teach in the Master's in Musicology: • Search, Documentation, and Dissemination Techniques in Musicological Research • Music Industries • Performative Research: Historical and Analytical Perspectives on Musical Performance • Musical Listening: A Historical and Cultural Approach Courses I teach in the Master's in Music Pedagogy: • Communication, Knowledge, and Digital Learning Applied to Music Education 💻 Sonic Visualiser

Toulouse Lautrec, EEST | Instructor of Music Production and Electronic Production

jun.2022 - present | Lima, Perú | Remote
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Subjects I teach in the programs include: • Applied synthesis: Physical modeling, additive synthesis, subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation (FM) synthesis, and sampling • Fundamentals and tools of music production • Music theory, functional harmony and arrangements 💻 MuseScore 4, Reaper 7, Ableton Live

National University Daniel Alomía Robles | Full-time Professor

may.2019 - dec.2019 | Huánuco, Perú | In-person
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Subjects I taught in the degree: • General didactics of education • Psychology of learning • Music didactics 💻 MuseScore 3, LaTex

  • TypeScript, Node.js, Express, SQL, Git

  • Some knowledge of Ruby and Python


UNIR | Master's Degree in Music Research

2019 - 2020 | Spain
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I received the highest distinction with a perfect score in Computational Music Analysis. Overall average: Outstanding • TFM: I applied the theory of simplicial complexes (MaMuTh) to analyze a musical style using specialized software. 💻 HexaChord, Geogebra, LaTex

USMP | B.A. in Music

2009 - 2015 | Lima, Perú
© 2025 Edgar Delgado Vega