About me

I am passionate about problem-solving and creating abstractions, with a focus on self-learning in technological environments. My interest in mathematics drives me to continuously explore its application, especially in software development, which leads me to create libraries to tackle complex problems.

I also have extensive experience in both in-person and online teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, specializing in technology, musicology, and live coding. Feedback on my teaching practice is generally favorable, highlighting my ability to communicate complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner.

Research Areas:
  • Mathematical Music Theory

  • Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) for Music

  • Computer-Assisted Music Composition and Improvisation

  • TypeScript, Node.js, Express, SQL, Git

  • Some knowledge of Ruby and Python

  • LaTex, GeoGebra, Zotero, BibTex

  • Sonic Pi, Sonic Visualiser, MuseScore, Reaper


ZifferJS | TypeScript Software Developer

oct.2023 - present | Finland | Remote
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I collaborate on the development of ZifferJS, a generative music notation and parser. It is designed to fit into any live coding environment that supports web technologies. • Implementing mathematical algorithms based on simplicial complexes and graph theory • Creating unit tests and writing documentation • Creating generator functions to work with infinite sequences 💻 TypeScript, Vitest, Git

Escuela de Posgrado Newman | Lecturer in the Master's programs in Musicology and Music Pedagogy

may.2024 - present | Tacna, Perú | Remote
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Courses I teach in the Master's in Musicology: • Search, Documentation, and Dissemination Techniques in Musicological Research • Music Industries • Performative Research: Historical and Analytical Perspectives on Musical Performance • Musical Listening: A Historical and Cultural Approach Courses I teach in the Master's in Music Pedagogy: • Communication, Knowledge, and Digital Learning Applied to Music Education 💻 Sonic Visualiser

Toulouse Lautrec, EEST | Instructor of Music Production and Electronic Production

jun.2022 - present | Lima, Perú | Remote
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Subjects I teach in the programs include: • Applied synthesis: Physical modeling, additive synthesis, subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation (FM) synthesis, and sampling • Fundamentals and tools of music production • Music theory, functional harmony and arrangements 💻 MuseScore 4, Reaper 7, Ableton Live

National University Daniel Alomía Robles | Full-time Professor

may.2019 - dec.2019 | Huánuco, Perú | In-person
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Subjects I taught in the degree: • General didactics of education • Psychology of learning • Music didactics 💻 MuseScore 3, LaTex

PAENFTS | Music Educator

jun.2015 - oct.2017 | Lima, Perú | In-person
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Teaching music theory and performance. 💻 MuseScore 2


UNIR | Master's Degree in Music Research

2019 - 2020 | Spain
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I received the highest distinction with a perfect score in Computational Music Analysis. Overall average: Outstanding • TFM: I applied the theory of simplicial complexes (MaMuTh) to analyze a musical style using specialized software. 💻 HexaChord, Geogebra, LaTex

USMP | B.A. in Music

2009 - 2015 | Lima, Perú
Participation in Conferences
  • Speaker at Constelaciones: Interdisciplinary Congress on Art, Science, and Technology organized by UTEC, PUCP, MAC-LIMA, and Fundación Telefónica (2022). Presentation: Euclid in Live Coding? Algorithms and Mathematical Concepts During Real-Time Coding.

  • Invited speaker at the 32nd International Guitar Festival of Ipcna (2021). Presentation: Transformational Theories in Mathematical Music Theory.

  • PUCP (2015). Participant (observer) at the Latin American and Pan-American Conference on Music Education - ISME.

Courses and certifications
  • National University of Engineering and Institute of Mathematics and Related Sciences, UNI-IMCA (2022). Mini-Course Anthology of Mathematical Ingenuities. Final project on GitHub.

  • PUCP (2016). Creativity in the Music Classroom: Didactic and Evaluative Strategies. Taught by Dr. Ana Lucía Frega.

  • PUCP (2015). Methodologies of Research in Music. Taught by Dr. Ana Lucía Frega.

© 2025 Edgar Delgado Vega